Eliseo Art Silva
Books, VIDEOS & Publications that Feature Eliseo Art Silva's Work in Teaching, Painting and Public Art
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By Eliseo Art Silva. Over 225 vintage photographs and a foreword with an overview of the history of Filipinos in the area. First book to document the history of Filipinos in Philadelphia. Photographs of the Filipino Mural of Seattle and several of the many murals of Philadelphia (by Silva) are included in this book. The book highlights Filipino contributions to the US civil rights movement from Filipino participation in the Anti-Imperialist League onto the Farm Workers movement of America.

Paperback – September 30, 2010 by Carina Monica Montoya (Author), Eliseo Art Silva (Illustrator). Let's Cook Adobo! is a cookbook designed for children. Adobo originated in the Philippine Islands, and has become a popular food around the world. With simple step-by-step recipe directions in vibrantly colored illustrations that incorporate Filipino history, cooking Adobo can be an easy and fun learning experience for children.

Filipino Studies Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora Edited by Martin F. Manalansan and Augusto Espiritu

Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading. Cover art is Silva's 2001 Oil on Canvas, "Filipinos Tell Tall Tales".

An Anthology of New Philippine Myths. Several paintings by Eliseo Art Silva are featured in full color, including the cover art titled: Fishers of Men, Oil on Canvas (1994).

Carlos Bulosan: Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States (A Critical Appraisal) by E. San Juan, Published by Peter Lang, 2017. Cover Portrait of Bulosan is by Eliseo Art Silva.

Reading, Writing and Remembering by Gerald Campano.Cover is Silva's "Coming to America and Making it Better" in NE Philadelphia. This powerful book demonstrates how culturally responsive teaching can make learning come alive. Drawing on his experience as a fifth-grade teacher in a multiethnic school where children spoke over 14 different home languages, the author reveals how he created a language arts curriculum from the students' own rich cultural resources, narratives, and identities.

Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia was edited by Huping Ling and Allan Austin. Includes comprehensive section on Filipino Americans. Recognizes the Gintong Kasaysayan mural in Los Angeles`s Historic Filipinotown as the largest and most famous Filipino American artwork.

Portraits of a Tangled Relationship: The Philippines and the United States by Carino, Dalisay, Ner, David and Reyes, 2008. On page 161 is a full-color, full-page photograph of Silva's 1999 mural "Can You Read the Secrets of History in My Face," a 9' x 8' Acrylic on Canvas which was commissioned as the centerpiece of the Carlos Bulosan Memorial at the Eastern Hotel, International District, Seatttle, WA.

by Carlene Sobrino Bonnivier (Author), Gregory Villanueva (Editor), Gerald G. Gubatan (Editor). Includes two essays by Eliseo Art Silva, including the actual mural proposal submitted in 1994 that accompanied the mural design, which was eventually selected after a nation-wide search.

Part II Culture, Community, and Capital Amerasia Journal Paperback – January 1, 1998 by Enrique dela Cruz (Editor). Includes a highly critical essay written by Pearlie Rose Baluyut on the Filipinotown mural of Los Angeles.

The cover, Heaven and Hell is a painting Eliseo did when he was 19 years old at Riverside Community College. This publication features a dozen of his early work (1985-1991) and also includes a link to an online interview which reveals his early years as an artist in the United States.

Teaching Through Critical Inquiry, Grades 5-12 (Language and Literacy Series (Teachers College Pr)) Paperback – April 4, 2010 by Richard Beach (Author), Gerald Campano (Author), Brian Edmiston (Author). Gerald Campano cites Eliseo Art Silva's teaching method as an example of best practices inside the classroom and shares how he applies it (pp. 65, 142-143).

Volume I, 2013 (Volume 1) Paperback – December 14, 2013 by Melissa Sipin (Author). Featuring new work by: Nanor Abkarian, Davey Davis, Lindsey Engelhardt, Tasha Keeble, Margaret Miller, Margaret Seelie, & Jennifer Williams. | Hosted by Melissa Sipin & Margaret Miller | www.thewindowliterarysalon.wordpress.com | Cover art, “Girl With Camera,” by Eliseo Art Silva © All rights reserved. |

Design & Planning Issues by Anatalio Ubalde. Libraries have these on their collection, including the Echo Park/Filipinotown Branch of LA's Library system. Cover is Filipinotown mural of LA. "The landscape of the US--meaning its cities, farms, towns and public buildings, its gardens, and its formal and informal spaces--is as varied as its people. For as long as we have evidence, our environment has been shaped by the hands and eyes of its many indigenous residents.

Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World from Graffiti to Trompe L'oeil Hardcover – November 30, 2009 by Kiriakos Iosifidis (Author). Published in Greece, this seminal book featuring the best mural artists from all across the planet, includes a full spread of Silva's seven public art projects in both the East and West Coast. He is also the only Filipino artist included from Volume 1-3.

Murals of California Paperback – November 1, 1997 by Robin J. Dunitz (Author), James Prigoff (Author). Silva's two early murals are featured here, including a full two page spread of LA's Filipinotown mural and the "Hearts of LA" mural in Koreatown.

Nine Decades of Los Angeles Art, Historical Essay by Barbra Isenberg, 2006. Eliseo Art Silva is included in this book (OTIS Fine Arts Batch 1995/97) on page 141, and included in the video that accompanied the book and exhibition.

Guide to 1000 Los Angeles Murals Paperback – October 1, 1998 by Robin Dunitz (Author). Five of Silva's LA murals are included, including a full-color reproduction of the Jewish and Filipino murals.

Stairstreet, bridge, pathway and lane Paperback – December 18, 2013 by Bob Inman (Author). Filipino Mural of LA is included as a major destination.

Paperback – April 23, 2012 by Laura Pulido (Author), Laura Barraclough (Author), Wendy Cheng (Author). The Jewish and Filipino murals are included. Full color reproduction of the Jewish heritage mural is featured.

The Bayanihan Legacy of the Filipino Community of Seattle. Beautiful art book which includes the Carlos Bulosan mural painted by Silva for the Carlos Bulosan Memorial exhibit in Seattle's Eastern Hotel, International District in 1999.

And the Stories They Tell by Jane Golden. Eliseo's "Coming to America and Making it Better" mural for Gilbert Spruance Elementary School is reproduced as a full spread Chapter Cover in the book.

Neighborhood, Murals, Stories. Eliseo's two-part wall mural called: "The Tree of Life" and "Sharing our Collective Stories: Forging our Common Futures" for Nicetown Park in Philadelphia is documented with multiple photographs and stories in an entire chapter of this book.

Discovering the California Mural Towns Paperback – May 19, 2009 by Kevin Bruce (Author). Silva's 100' x 30' US Veterans War Memorial titled: "The Price of Freedom" in Lompoc, CA is featured in full color. Mural is one of first in the nation to include the Philippine American War (1899-1913).

Reflections on Best Practices in Learning, Teaching, and Leadership [Kindle Edition] Marge Scherer (Author). Silva's teaching method is profiled and used as an example of "best practices" by the author.

(Paperback) – November 15, 1999 by A. Yuson Alfred. Silva's 1994 Filipinotown Mural is included in a lengthy analysis by Prof. Theodore Gonsalves, PhD.

February 1994. Eliseo Art Silva's "Fishers of Men" was featured after competing a national competition sponsored by Binney & Smith in Easton, PA, makers of Liquitex Paints. His 4' x 6' Oil on Canvas won the Purchase Award and is part of the permanent collection of the company.

Philippine Diaspora in Contemporary Art Paperback – September 1, 1997 by Plug In Editions (Author), UC Irvine (Author), Wayne Baerwaldt (Editor). One of the earliest Filipino American Exhibition which originated in Southern California and travelled nationally. Silva's work is featured with a biography of the artist. Other artists include Manuel Ocampo, Santiago Bose and Joe Santarromana.

TAYO Literary Magazine, and build community through readings, community projects, and networking events. THIS MAGAZINE FEATURES: Barbara Jane Reyes, Eliseo Art Silva, Emilio Venegas Jr, Lillian Comas & more.